Animals and Livestock Business directory Page 4

> Business Directory > Agriculture and Livestock > Animals and Livestock

Animals and Livestock entries of companies, associations and organizations are gathered here containing contact-address, operation hours and experience reports. You can register your own company entry or organization here.

Animals and Livestock entries

There were 19577 entries found

Recollettenlei 18
9000 Gent


Haltstraat 55
3900 Overpelt

 011 66 16 22
 011 66 16 23

Marktplein 8
8850 Ardooie

Route De Mons 34
7322 Bernissart (pommeroeul)

 065 62 25 84

Lindestraat 24
3570 Alken

 011 59 29 30

Avenue Du Roi Albert 90
1082 Bruxelles (berchem-sainte-agathe)

 02 465 17 50

Au Gros Thier 3
4051 Chaudfontaine


Rue Du Bois Le Comte 6
6440 Froidchapelle

 060 41 24 20

Volkaert 24
9400 Ninove


Avenue Notre-dame De Foy 58
5620 Florennes

 071 68 75 28

Meir 24
2000 Antwerpen

Edg. Tinelstraat
9660 Brakel (nederbrakel)

 055 42 25 23 055 42 32 99

Chaussée De Mons 275
1070 Bruxelles (anderlecht)

 02 521 97 28

Antwerpsesteenweg 39
2390 Malle

Anspachlaan 155
1000 Brussel/bruxelles

Graaf De Broquevillestr. 6
2400 Mol

Chemin Des Maures 2
6461 Chimay (virelles)

 060 21 19 83

Place Du Baquet 24
6200 Châtelet

 071 38 63 59

Grote Baan 190
2380 Ravels


Rue Des Chasseurs Ardennais 8
6600 Bastogne

 061 21 43 21

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Cities & surrounding

Animals and Livestock branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Animals and Livestock in this month. This month 62 companies were registered, 62 were updated and 57 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Animals and Livestock December 2024Diagram Animals and LivestockDiagram Animals and Livestock December 2024New registrationUpdateDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Animals and Livestock with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Animals and Livestock 2024Statistics Animals and LivestockStatistics Animals and Livestock 20240153045607590November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics