Paper and Cardboard Business directory Page 6

> Business Directory > Paper and Cardboard

Business entries of Paper and Cardboard are gathered here with address, hours and experience reports of customers. You can add your own company entry or association here.

Paper and Cardboard entries

There were 4859 entries found INT

Etting 19
2910 Essen


Avenue Felix Lacourt 44
1390 Grez-doiceau

 010 84 00 96 0475 71 95 00
 010 84 00 96

Route Nationale 5
6041 Charleroi (gosselies)

 071 25 92 26

Noorderlaan 98 B28
2030 Antwerpen


Grotesteenweg 32
2550 Kontich


Dokter Van Raesstraat 31
2660 Antwerpen (hoboken)

 03 830 58 43 0476 39 60 00
 03 828 55 21

Klauwaartsln 43
1853 Strombeek-bever

 32.22 67 45 48
 32.22 67 06 73

Venecoweg 24
9810 Nazareth

 09 385 44 03
 09 385 50 76

Land Van Waaslaan 3 Haven
1204 9130 Beveren


Gentsesteenweg 143
8500 Kortrijk

 056 26 43 60
 056 20 25 38

Leuvensesteenweg 181
1932 Zaventem


Valleistraat 9
3012 Leuven (wilsele)

 016 20 22 26 016 22 90 97

Chaussée De Charleroi 170 A
1060 Bruxelles (saint-gilles)

 02 538 55 68

Avenue Houba De Strooper 101
1020 Bruxelles

 02 478 04 09
 02 478 04 09

Diestersteenweg 73
3850 Nieuwerkerken

 011 68 48 29 0477 20 05 18
 011 70 72 48

Sint-antoniusbaan 242
2980 Zoersel

 03 383 38 77
 03 385 12 46

Nijverheidsstraat 15
2530 Boechout


Place Du Marché 27
4651 Battice


Handboogstraat 41
8560 Wevelgem

 056 42 08 83
 056 42 58 35

Kempischesteenweg 136
3500 Hasselt


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Cities & surrounding

Paper and Cardboard branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Paper and Cardboard in this month. This month 19 companies were registered, 66 were updated and 20 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Paper and Cardboard December 2024Diagram Paper and CardboardDiagram Paper and Cardboard December 2024UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Paper and Cardboard with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Paper and Cardboard 2024Statistics Paper and CardboardStatistics Paper and Cardboard 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics