Plants and Fertilizers Business directory Page 50

> Business Directory > Agriculture and Livestock > Plants and Fertilizers

Business entries of Plants and Fertilizers are listed here with informations of contact, operation hours and experience reports of customers. You can add your own business entry or organization here.

Plants and Fertilizers entries

There were 1431 entries found

Stationsstraat 110
2800 Mechelen

 015 28 42 84
 015 20 32 75

Noorderlaan 133bus 16
2030 Antwerpen

 03.541 45 39
 03.541 46 43

Industrieweg 3
2390 Malle


Jagersborg 3680
1038 Maaseik

 089.56 36 93
 089.56 36 95

Mieksebaan 119
2960 Brecht

 03 663 08 91
 03 663 07 11

Nieuwstraat 8
8890 Moorslede


Boomsesteenweg 174
2610 Antwerpen


Groeningestraat 19
8560 Wevelgem


Rue Buisson Aux Loups 6
1400 Nivelles

 067 21 06 75
 067 22 06 35

Bijlokstraat 67
3020 Herent

 016 23 93 72
 016 23 25 87

Rue Du Parc 14
4432 Ans


Industrieterrein Zwaarveld 30
9220 Hamme


Excelsiorlaan 45
1930 Zaventem


Rue Wayez 96
1070 Bruxelles (anderlecht)

 02 520 39 09

Rue De L'université 29
4000 Liège 1

 04 222 23 82
 04 222 23 82


Martelaarslaan 307
9000 Gent

 09 224 02 78

Grand'place 62
4800 Verviers (ensival)

 087 33 17 95
 087 33 17 95 087 31 67 97

Nijverheidsstraat 3
2260 Westerlo (oevel)

 014 58 75 71
 014 58 14 22

Schipstraat 21
8980 Zonnebeke (passendale)

 051 77 70 48

Rue De La Montagne 29-31
6000 Charleroi

 071 20 00 30

<< 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 >>

Cities & surrounding

Plants and Fertilizers branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Plants and Fertilizers in this month. This month 29 companies were registered, 12 were updated and 69 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Plants and Fertilizers December 2024Diagram Plants and FertilizersDiagram Plants and Fertilizers December 2024DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Plants and Fertilizers with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Plants and Fertilizers 2024Statistics Plants and FertilizersStatistics Plants and Fertilizers 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics