Potatoes Business directory Page 4

> Business Directory > Agriculture and Livestock > Fruits and Vegetables > Potatoes

Business entries of Potatoes are gathered here containing informations of contact-data, hours and ratings of customers. You can register your own business entry or association on this page.

Potatoes entries

There were 359 entries found

Rosewholesale.com INT

Linthoutstraat 45
1785 Merchtem (brussegem)

 02 460 26 54
 02 460 26 54

Vaarzeelstraat 6
9800 Deinze (meigem)

 09 386 21 99

Vrijbosstraat 6
8610 Kortemark (handzame)

 051 56 66 58
 051 57 14 63

Schurhoven 3800
4038 Sint-truiden


Molenstraat 16
8980 Zonnebeke (passendale)

 051 77 72 81
 051 78 04 58

Kruisstraat 4
8610 Kortemark (zarren-werken)

 0475 56 01 79 051 56 66 90
 051 56 81 05

Schoolstraat 73-79
3540 Herk-de-stad

 013 55 10 36
 013 55 10 36 011 58 46 27

Kerkstraat 110 A
9940 Evergem (sleidinge)

 09 357 31 41

Rue De La Filature 8
7712 Mouscron (herseaux)

 056 34 26 21
 056 34 31 01

Rue De Hotton 39 A
6987 Rendeux

 084 47 78 80
 084 47 78 19

Zoning Industriel De Tournai Ouest
7522 Blandainhertain

 069 55 35 35
 069 55 35 30

Spoorweglei 21
2560 Nijlen

 03 481 80 45

Grote Leiestraat 143
8570 Anzegem

 056 68 89 56
 056 68 12 70

Huttegemstraat 52
9630 Zwalm (roborst)

 055 49 79 11 055 49 95 97
 055 49 69 52

Reigerstraat 61
9860 Oosterzele

 09 362 45 83
 09 362 45 83

Grote Branderstraat 24
8908 Ieper (vlamertinge)

 057 33 61 59
 057 33 61 59

Rue Du Cheneau 40
6120 Ham-sur-heure-nalinnes (ham-sur-heure)

 071 43 85 09

Rue Winston Churchill 414
4020 Liège 1 (bressoux)

 04 344 17 80
 04 344 17 80 04 342 67 69

Rue Des Crênées 15
4210 Burdinne (oteppe)

 085 71 31 62
 085 71 31 62

Markizaatstraat 48
8980 Zonnebeke (beselare)

 057 46 65 89

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Cities & surrounding

Potatoes branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Potatoes in this month. This month 15 companies were registered, 66 were updated and 39 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Potatoes December 2024Diagram PotatoesDiagram Potatoes December 2024UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Potatoes with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Potatoes 2024Statistics PotatoesStatistics Potatoes 20240153045607590November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics